October 28, 2020

White Collar Partner George Canellos Moderated Q&A at Securities Enforcement Forum 2020


Milbank Litigation and White Collar partner George Canellos recently spoke at the Securities Enforcement Virtual Forum on October 28, 2020. Mr. Canellos was featured in a “Regulator Spotlight – Q&A” segment in which he questioned the SEC’s Newly Appointed New York Regional Director about a range of issues relevant to SEC enforcement.

Securities Enforcement Forum is one of the leading securities enforcement conferences. It is a unique, one-day conference that brings together current and former senior SEC officials, securities enforcement and white-collar attorneys, in-house counsel and compliance executives, and other top professionals in the field. The event included a full day of panels on the most pressing and critical topics in securities enforcement, including cryptocurrency, cybersecurity, financial and accounting fraud, litigation and investigation strategies, and more.

For more information, please click here.