June 17, 2020

Partner Allan Marks Quoted in E&E News Article on Energy Industry Implications of President Trump’s Latest Cybersecurity Executive Order


Milbank Global Project, Energy and Infrastructure Finance partner Allan Marks was recently quoted in an E&E News article titled “Trump's grid order blindsides electricity sector.

Mr. Marks notes that President Trump’s Executive Order is similar to a previous one that focused on supply chain threats in information and communications technology. Though the new order is broad, Mr. Marks explains, in effect, it is, in effect, aimed squarely at imported Chinese power equipment. saying "China is often the target of administration actions on trade and other areas, and China is a significant exporter of power goods and machinery and components to the U.S. and worldwide," he said.

The article further explores the uncertainty of the implications that the order will have on the energy industry. “As long as there’s uncertainty that will cause delay and possibly increase costs,” Mr. Marks explains, adding, “the timing of the order is an ‘odd juxtaposition’ given that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission recently pushed back a new standard that would have required electric utilities to come up with mitigation plans around supply chain threats. That separate order is now set to take effect Oct. 1.” As the industry waits for the Energy Department to issue new rules, there may be a chilling effect on certain purchases of imported equipment and delays in construction or upgrades of critical power infrastructure, according to Mr. Marks. 

To read the full article, “Trump's grid order blindsides electricity sector,” please click here

To read our Client Alert analyzing the Bulk Power System Cybersecurity Executive Order in detail, please click here.