July 31, 2017

New California Environmental Laws Target Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Air Pollution: Cap-and-Trade Program Expanded with Bipartisan Support

Cap-and-Trade Program Expanded with Bipartisan Support

Two significant environmental bills became law in California at the end of July 2017, after intensive negotiations in Sacramento and passionate prodding from California Governor Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown, Jr. First, on July 25, 2017, Governor Brown signed into law an extension to California’s innovative cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The law, AB 398, was approved by both houses of the California Legislature with unprecedented bipartisan support, including the Democratic majority plus eight Republican legislators. Second, a companion measure, AB 617, was passed the same day, on July 17, 2017, and signed by the Governor on July 26, 2017. That law authorizes stronger measures to control other types of air pollution. At a time when the US federal government is stepping back from efforts to address global climate change, California has taken the lead with a cap-and-trade framework that serves as a model for other states and countries.

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