March 6, 2018

Milbank Partner Mark Scarsi to Discuss Litigation Trends at 4th Annual IP Strategy Summit


Milbank Intellectual Property Litigation partner Mark Scarsi will be speaking at the 4th Annual IP Strategy Summit on March 6, 2018. Mr. Scarsi's presentation, titled “Litigation Trends in 2018 & Beyond,” will explore IP industry trends including: the TC Heartland case and the shift in more patent lawsuits being filed in Delaware and California, as opposed to the previously favorable Eastern District of Texas jurisdiction; the ITC as a possibly favorable environment as companies take a more global view of patent enforcement; the SCOTUS decisions on the Oil States Energy Services case and the SAS Institute case; and the potential impact a new USPTO Director could have on PTAB (Patent Trial and Appeal Board) cases.

The conference, taking place in Orange County, California, will cover the significant changes that the industry has seen over the last 24 months.