May 16, 2019

Milbank Partner James Cavoli Discusses Implications of United States v. Connolly for General Counsel in Q&A with Corporate Counsel


Litigation & Arbitration partner James Cavoli recently discussed the implications of United States v. Connolly for general counsel in a Q&A with Corporate Counsel, “Lessons for General Counsel on Keeping the Government From Micromanaging Your Internal Investigations.” The Southern District of New York ruling in Connolly held that the government improperly outsourced its investigation of LIBOR manipulation to Deutsche Bank and its outside law firm.

The Q&A provides Mr. Cavoli’s advice to general counsel in light of the ruling and addresses the issues of which general counsel should be aware.

According to Mr. Cavoli, “This case gives general counsel and their law firms grounds to push back attempts by the government to micromanage their investigations. It gives the company lawyers more freedom to conduct the internal investigation as they see fit.”