March 6, 2020

Legal Malpractice & Risk Management Conference Panel Features Milbank Pro Bono Counsel


Milbank pro bono counsel Tony Cassino spoke on a panel titled “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Managing the Risk in Pro Bono Representation” at the 19th Annual Legal Malpractice & Risk Management (“LMRM”) Conference, sponsored by Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP. The LMRM Conference brings together general and in-house corporate counsel, managing partners and insurance professionals to discuss professional responsibility, legal malpractice and risk management.

The panelists discussed the topic of risk management in pro bono matters, focusing on the distinctive challenges and risks posed during the lifespan of a pro bono case, from the client intake process and engagement to insurance and disengagement. The panel explored risk mitigation strategies, including unified intake protocols and professional liability insurance.

Other panelists included Noah Fiedler, partner at Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, and Heather Linn Rosing, Shareholder and CFO of Klinedinst PC.