December 8, 2020

Associates Author Article on Virtual Trial Preparation for Bloomberg Law


Milbank Litigation & Arbitration associates Kingdar Prussien, Samantha Lovin, and Allison Markowitz recently authored an article in Bloomberg Law, titled “Virtual Trials and War Room Design.” They discuss takeaways on creating a “war room” setup that prioritizes health and safety while optimizing efficiency.

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, lawyers across the country must learn to adapt their trial strategies to a virtual format. For this article, the authors drew on their experience with the recent trial victory on behalf of Putnam Investment Company LLC, led by Litigation & Arbitration partners Sean Murphy, Thomas Arena, and Robert Hora. The Putnam matter was one of the first remote bench trials, if not the first, conducted in the US in complex commercial litigation.

To read the full Bloomberg Law article, “Virtual Trials and War Room Design,” please click here.