December 4, 2020

12ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Δικηγόρων Νομικών Υπηρεσιών-Πρόταση Χορηγίας | 12th National Conference of Corporate In‑house Counsel


Apostolos Gkoutzinis was keynote speaker at the 12th National Panhellenic Conference of Corporate In-house Counsel, which took place virtually 19 & 20 November 2020. The focus of this year’s National Conference of Corporate In-house Counsel was New Risks & Opportunities For The Board Of Directors of the S.A. As Key note speaker Apostolos provided an overview on the importance of corporate governance rules: International Investors and Corporate Governance: The 10 Points to Remember.

The conference was organized by the LEGAL LIBRARY and the Economia Group in collaboration with the Association of Corporate Counsel Europe (ACCE) and under the auspices of the Bar Association Athens (DSA) and the Association of Paid Lawyers.

Further details of the event can be found here.